Is Climate Change Burning up British Columbia?
"While one event does not prove climate change, the overall trend is convincing." photo: NASAAre the forest fires in Western Canada part of climate change? Scientists say that it is likely, and...
View ArticleNorth America in the Dark: the Blackout in Context
On August 15th, 50 million people in the United States and Ontario found themselves in the dark, but many argue that North Americans have been 'in the dark' about the global context of their energy...
View ArticleCheam People Shut Down Railway and Halt Logging
A saga of resistance At about 4 pm on October 2nd two trucks pulled to a halt while straddling the railway tracks that bisect the Cheam Reserve. A small crowd, including members of the Cheam Nation...
View ArticleGrowth at Any Cost
“NAFTA on steroids” a site for protest and paramilitary-style police action Police charge a crowd of protesters in Miami.On November 20th, behind five ranks of riot police, a 10 foot high reinforced...
View ArticleA New Era in Conservation
The Canadian Boreal Initiative (CBI), launched at the end of last year, is a common vision for the largest conservation agreement in the world. It proposes a plan to protect approximately 265 million...
View ArticleDivide and Conquer: Bilateral Trade Agreements
The US is using a new approach to sidestep developing countries' unified demands "Americans: we are no longer your back patio." In many countries, social movements are the only thing checking the...
View ArticleCruise Control?
What images spring to mind when you imagine a northern cruise vacation? Crystal clear water, teaming with sea life; humpback whales, porpoise and dolphin frolicking for your viewing pleasure; or...
View ArticlePresident Bush, See You in Court
Judging the cost of climate change As climate change increasingly affects islanders and those living in the North, many are seeking legal recourse in international venues. Frustration with the Bush...
View ArticleNanotechnology and the Rebirth of Alchemy
Are converging technologies laying a golden egg? This February, the smallest test tube in the world was manufactured by scientists at, a joint venture between the Universities of Oxford...
View ArticleA Bear Of A Deal
A decade of negotiations give way to an unprecedented agreement The protected area is three times the size or Prince Edward Island. photo: The Coast Forest Conservation InitiativeIn February, the...
View ArticleGenetically Modified Diplomacy
Canada's International Biotech Agenda Critics argue that government is being influenced by large biotech corporations and regulatory norms in the US. photo: Jessica BrayAccording to several observers,...
View ArticleSmoking in the Greenhouse
Tar sands growth makes meeting Kyoto targets less likely The Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding agreement to the international treaty called the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change....
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